Otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf
Otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf

otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf

For the elderly the presence of vertigo is often associated with a worsening of quality of life. As people get old in our country and the increase the average life expectancy of our population is vital importance and requires us to review and take action with respect the most common diseases in this population group.

otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf

Although in most cases the etiology is benign, in others it is a serious manifestation of disease. One of the most frequent reasons for consultation nes the adult is vertigo (spinning sensation involves the patient) associated with different diseases.

otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf

EXPERIENCE Baez Recalde, Mirtha Elena1 Lopez Olmedo, Roberto Carlos2 1 Instituto de Previsión Social, Asunción 2 Instituto de Previsión Social, Asucnión Introduction: Acute vertiginous syndrome is a set of symptoms and signs characterized by impaired balance accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sweating, illness, some symptoms predominate over others depending on the etiology. P-A-1 VERTIGO SYNDROME: OTOLARYNGOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE INSTITUTE 4 YEARS.

Otorrinolaringologia vicente diamante pdf